Now choose from thousands of recipes in Dunzo Cook and order all the required ingredients in a single click which gets delivered to your door in 19 mins!
To save up time on planning, remembering and finding
groceries to order for a meal.
People who love to cook and experiment with new dishes
everyday using different ingredients.
People who want to cook occasionally. Get easy to follow recipes & order items without hassle
"Thank you so much for your delicious healthy recipes. I am losing weight and feel good. I don't have to worry about shopping groceries anymore and have learned to cook better by following your recipes"
"Everything I was looking for to ease up the frustration of meal planning and grocery shopping. It literally cut the work in half for me"
"It was a hassle for me to decide what to cook during weekends but with Dunzo cook I now get exciting recipes every week"
"Using Dunzo Cook, I can browse exotic recipes and order not so common ingredients quickly. I can now devote my time better to making exciting dishes"